Health, Safety and Environment

Beaver Municipal Solutions recognizes the value of its employees and is therefore committed to the provision of safe and healthy working conditions to contribute to the health, safety and general well being of each employee, contractor and visitor.

Environmental Policy

Beaver Municipal Solutions’ waste management operations may have local, regional and global environmental impacts. Our organization is committed to identifying, evaluating and mitigating these impacts. Beaver Municipal Solutions will meet this commitment by providing resources and taking the appropriate measures to ensure our operations does not adversely affect the environment and the general public.

Beaver Municipal Solutions is committed to the following principles and responsibilities:

  • Senior management commitment to continual improvement of the environmental management system, including the mitigation of pollution, by setting appropriate organization targets, establishing relevant documented performance with respect to these targets;
  • Meeting or exceeding all legislative requirements and environmental regulations by establishing appropriate programs and conducting audits of its ongoing environmental programs;
  • commitment to providing the framework for setting and reviewing environmental objectives, by conducting, at a minimum, an annual review;
  • Compliance with environmental policies and procedures is the responsibility of every employee and contractor, and is a condition of employment.

The Environmental Policy will be displayed at all work sites, and communicated to all employees and contractors through orientation processes, and will be available to the public on the Beaver Municipal Solutions website.

Approved by Pierre Breau, P. Eng. ICD.D

General Manager

June 16, 2015

Application for Permit Renewal

The operating permit for the Beaver Regional Landfill is in the process of being renewed.

Please find below documents relating to our Permit Renewal Information submitted to Alberta Environment and Parks (AEP).

  • Supplemental Information
  • BMS Landfill Operations Manual
  • Approval Renewal Application – Part 1, Text, Figures and Appendices
  • Approval Renewal Application – Part 2, Technical Appendices

We appreciate comments on our renewal application and any other questions regarding our operations.

Please feel free to contact us by email:
Or by Phone: 780-663-2038 Ext:0