Covid Updates at Beaver Municipal Solutions

Chronicle, April 27, 2020

Despite the current pandemic, we are continuing to provide waste disposal services to our community as well as to customers in the capital region. Some of our processes have changed (i.e. we no longer accept cash), but we continue to operate all of our sites.

Our four transfer stations remain open as per the regular schedule, however for the safety of both employees and monitoring the number of vehicles on the site at any given time and may need to hold some back until there is adequate space to be able to allow for the provincial social distancing protocol. To protect our employees, we have reduced the number of staff at our Lindbrook Transfer Station on each shift to two. This may result in an increased wait time when coming to this busy site. To be able to maintain the current 6-foot social distancing protocols and still operate, it was necessary to make this adjustment. To help reduce congestion at the Lindbrook Transfer Station site, here are a few options:

  • You can use one of the other transfer station sites or take your waste directly to Ryley
  • You can bring your waste to the site mid-to-late afternoon as the busiest time at this site is between opening and 2:00 p.m.
  • If possible, try to limit the number of site visits by bringing your waste to the site only once a week or less if possible

We ask for your patience as we implement our new normal during this pandemic. If there are issues or non- compliance with the provincial protocols and our new processes, for the safety of staff or customers, transfer station sites will be temporarily closed. Residents will then need to take their waste directly to the Ryley landfill. We appreciate your cooperation and support.

Another change has been to the Large Item Pick-Up Program typically held in the spring. It has been cancelled this year due to the pandemic. If you have large items that need to be disposed, you will need to take them directly to the landfill in Ryley or either the Viking Transfer Station or the Lindbrook Transfer Station.

Stop the spread. Stay home. Stay safe.

BMS News

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Oil and Antifreeze Recycling

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