Large Item Pick Up Program Set for May

Large Item Pick Up Program Set for May Do you have an old mattress or some living room furniture that you no longer want? What about old tires or propane bottles? If you live in one of Beaver County’s municipalities, we would be pleased to help you with your spring cleaning as part of our Large Item Pick Up Program. 

This bi-annual Program is provided at no charge to municipal residents. The evening before the scheduled pick up, residents need to place their large items directly on the front streets by the curb. Do not place items on the grass, but directly on the street, making it easier for our crews to clean up any broken materials. Please ensure that all items are placed at least 3 feet (1 metre) from parked vehicles. The spring 2020 schedule is as follows: 

  • Thursday, May 7: Hamlet of Bruce 
  • Monday, May 11: Town of Tofield 
  • Thursday, May 14: Village of Ryley 
  • Thursday, May 21: Village of Holden 
  • Monday, May 25: Town of Viking 

Rural residents have the option of taking their large items to their local transfer station. Lindbrook and Viking Transfer Stations accept large items year-round. The other transfer stations are scheduled to accept large items on the following days: 

  • Friday, May 1: Kinsella Transfer Station 
  • Saturday, May 16: Tofield Transfer Station 

Fridges, freezers, coolers and air conditioners are acceptable through this Program, however there is a $25 charge for the Freon removal. Payment for Freon removal can be made at either your local Town/Village Office or at Beaver Municipal Solutions’ Administration Office, located at the landfill in Ryley. Once payment has been made, a sticker will be provided that must be placed either on the front or side of the appliance. 

  The following items are not accepted as part of the Large Item Pick Up Program: 

  • Grass clippings, trees or branches — take to Transfer Station or landfill 
  • Cement or concrete — must be taken to the landfill 
  • Bags or cardboard boxes of garbage — place in your neighbourhood waste bin 
  • Electronic waste — take to Viking, Tofield or Lindbrook Transfer Stations or the landfill 
  • Small items that w ould fit in your neighbourhood waste bin 

If you have questions, please call our office at 780.663.2038, extension 102. We would be pleased to help you.

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