Site preparation work has begun on the new administration building. The process was delayed slightly by the uncertainty caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. Extra safety precautions have been put into place and now the process is back on track.
The construction of the building is still projected to be completed by the end of 2020, with staff starting to moving in at the early part of the new year.
Roadway Safety
Beaver Municipal Solutions takes road safety seriously. As a large industrial facility, there are various types of traffic that can be visiting our site at any given time. We operate collections within the county and do transportation for several clients, in addition, we receive waste from many different customers throughout the region.
Beaver Municipal Solutions is committed to safety in all aspects of our operations. It is a central part of our culture. We require that customers have their equipment in good repair and that their loads are properly secured. Violators of traffic and safety protocols are and will continue to be, banned from transporting material to the landfill site.
If you see any unsafe behaviour from any vehicle visiting our site contact us at 780.663.2038 or at and we will deal with the situation immediately